Mieszkańcy sformowani w kolumnach rozpoczęli wędrówkę przez Cetyń, Darzkowo, Podwilczyn na Radusz. Chaotyczna ucieczka poprzez drogi pełne uciekinierów trwała do 9 marca, kiedy mieszkańcy Poborowa trafili do Gałęźni Małej: "Jak tylko ...
vacations - but that's nothing compared to this other piece of advice she got from Bob? - You'll meet Tessa, an Australian woman who was down on her luck until she leveraged this licensing proven marketing strategy of Bob's ...
A first version of this idea was the "Kino-Automat" shown at the Expo 1967 in Montreal: Radusz Cincera's One Man and his World was stopped several times to give the audience the possibility to decide how the film should continue. [2] ...